After trying many verticals, today I work with what for me is the best vertical for 11 meters. The performance far exceeds 5/8. Best of all, the absence of QRM.
30VDX01 Jose Antonio
Antenna BIG SIGNAL CQ-11
After 4 years using Hexbeam, I changed to a 2BS-5B. The reception at my QTH city has greatly improved. I open and close the band and now I listen DXCC that I had never heard before. Very solid construction. I'm very happy.
EA3HSO Allan
In UHF works much better than the Diamond X-200 and that BiQuad is 1 meter lower.
EA5HPA Jorge
Antena BIG SIGNAL BiQuad-270
Just next day when the antenna up I worked 271DA/0 and my near my QTH using a 4 element Yagi can?t no work them. It?s a Big Gun antenna.
34AT040 Nino
Antena BIG SIGNAL 4BS-11
The truth is I did not think it would give such a satisfactory result, I receive very distant repeaters, even though the orography is very bad here for the VHF / UHF bands, because we are surrounded by mountains of up to 2,800 meters above sea level.
EA1GOZ Julian
Antenna BIG SIGNAL BiQuad-270
When I turned on the radio I was amazed. QRM practically null compared to the vertical I had which gave me S8 S9 of noise and now it does not reach S3.
Everything you listen is worked.
EA3GE Manuel
BIG SIGNAL SkyLine Antenna
I tried by my own senses that if everything they commented on that antenna was true, the QRM was totally reduced to zero, now the friends tell me that if I speak alone, they are not able to copy some of my contacts and surprised with the reports.